Well, well, well. We’ve reached the end of the financial year for 2019 and what a year it has been!
In a word? Volatile.
‘Reshaping,’ -as the industry likes to call it- climbed 6% while New Sites fell by 10% compared to the first half of the financial year. Sounds rather gloomy, no? What the stats hide, though, is that in real terms we actually assisted more New Sites in the second half of the year than the first. Sure, retail is hard right now, and we are definitely dealing with more surrenders and disputes than we might have 4 years ago, but the appetite is clearly still there for expansion. The stakes are higher though, and expansion must be tempered by caution.


Total Leasewise Projects 2019


With the retail landscape the way it is, there’s been a focus here at Leasewise at getting back to our DNA and helping smaller retailers. People that have found themselves in a tricky situation, usually due to a combination of the turbulent economic environment and unscrupulous dealings by Landlords.Nonetheless, many of our seasoned clients have navigated those rough seas. The last 6 months have seen clients such as Soul Origin, Matchbox, Marketplace, Jolly Miller, Walker’s Doughnuts, Breadtop & many more cautiously expanding, while some have made the equally prudent decision to consolidate.

Enjoy our little gallery of some new store openings we have worked on as we continue to charge forward to bigger and better things.
New Store Opening
Shopping Mall
Miss Pickle The Glen
Kitten D'Amour
Salmon & Bear Crows Nest
Celebrity Ink Garden City
Be Inspired
Soul Origin Plenty Valley
LA Sorella Mornington
ice cream store

Related Tag: Retail Property Agent